Monday, March 30, 2020

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My Business vs. IN the Business?". #business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My Business vs. IN the Business?". #business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness



Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My B...

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My B...:
Today’s episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses “How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My Business vs. IN the Business?”. Running a business can be complicated as it needs a lot of work and effort. However, by working on it effectively will make a huge difference when it comes to selling it. Watch the video, listen to the podcast…/business-brokers/…/389990100



How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My Business vs. IN the Business?

How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My Business vs. IN the Business?:

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about how to build the machine to work ON your business versus how to build the machine to work IN the business. Freedom Factory is the world’s best business broker helping entrepreneurs sell their business for maximum value. Visit Freedom Factory’s official website here: Do you want to sell your business? Contact Freedom Factory for a business appraisal. Contact: Freedom Factory 5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258) Also, Follow Freedom Factory here Additional Videos to learn how to sell your business. What is Entrepreneurial Freedom What Does Freedom Mean to me to Sell my Business? Strategies for Getting Your Company Ready to Sell Should I Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell My Business? #freedomfactory #sellyourbusiness #businessbrokers Robert Hirsch - Additional information on managing partner Tyler Tysdal

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses whether you Should Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell Your Bus...

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses whether you Should Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell Your Bus...:
Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses whether you Should Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell Your Business?



Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses whether you Should Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell Your Business? #entrepreneurs #broker #consultant

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses whether you Should Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell Your Business? #entrepreneurs #broker #consultant



Should I Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell My Business?

Should I Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell My Business?:

Selling a business can be done in different ways. You could sell it on your own, hire a consultant, or a business broker. Each option has its pros and cons. Determining what type of industry you are in, how soon you want to sell your business, and how much you want to sell it play an important role in your choice. Watch the video to find out which one best suits your situation and which one can help you sell your business at a maximum value. Visit Freedom Factory’s official website here: Download the podcast here Contact: Freedom Factory 5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258) Also, Follow Freedom Factory here Additional Videos to learn how to sell your business. Grow a Business or Buy a Business? What is the Process to Sell My Business Quickly? How do I Leverage Other Peoples’ Money For Buying a Business? Don’t Make The Single Biggest Mistake When Selling Your Business #freedomfactory #sellyourbusiness #businessbrokers Robert Hirsch - Additional information on managing partner Tyler Tysdal

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Monday, March 23, 2020

Robert Hirsch from freedom factory talks about "How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business?" Listen to the podcast.

Robert Hirsch from freedom factory talks about "How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business?" Listen to the podcast.:
Robert Hirsch from freedom factory talks about “How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business?” Listen to the podcast.



Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from freedom factory talks about What How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business? Listen to the podcast.

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from freedom factory talks about What How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business? Listen to the podcast.



How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business

How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business:

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses ‘How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business’.

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

How To Prepare My Business To Sell

What Type Of Contract Do I Need To Sell My Business?

Transcript of Podcast

Hi Robert Hirsch again, and I want to talk to you about something, which is a question that we get a lot, which is small business consultants. Should I hire them? Do I hire them before selling? And I must admit I’ve got a bit of a conflict on this. I was a consultant for a long time, both a management consultant as well as liquidity consultant.

So, just understand my bias before we get too far into it. So a lot of consultants have relevant experience, but what very few consultants have relevant experience in is selling their business. What hasn’t worked well that I’ve seen in the past is when someone has a general advisor and they’re giving them general information, which may or may not help the valuation.

And usually in that handoff is where we lose a lot of value, meaning the advisor gives the advice, the company implements it, but it doesn’t make any difference in valuation. So if I was to hire a liquidity consultant, I would make sure that they sell businesses full time and don’t do anything else. I would make sure that they’re a licensed broker and I’d make sure that they can take you from consulting before you take it on the market all the way through a successful sale. And so I would find a licensed broker and be able to do that.

The other thing that I think is pretty critical is I would make sure that someone speaks your language. For example, I’ve seen a lot of miscommunication when an entrepreneur tries to work with a banker and they find out that entrepreneurs don’t speak bankers and bankers sure don’t speak entrepreneur. So find a broker that is an experienced entrepreneur that’s been doing it for a long time, that speaks your language and that’s going to give you the best results, which is going to maximize your sales price.

Now, if you have questions on this or anything like it, feel free to reach out to us at Freedom Factory and we’ll see you soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Best Business Brokers - video portfolio

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Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

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How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business?

How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business?:

Entrepreneurs make money by selling products or services to customers. What differentiates a successful business person from an unsuccessful one is his ability to connect his purpose to the business. Great business people use business as a Trojan horse to their goal. That way, the company becomes not just a source of income but a source of inspiration and motivation. If your business doesn’t connect to your business, then you must watch this video. Visit Freedom Factory’s official website here: Download the podcast here Contact: Freedom Factory Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258) 5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Also, Follow Freedom Factory here Additional Videos to learn how to sell your business. How to Prepare to sell my business What is the single biggest mistake entrepreneurs make when selling their business? What contract structure should you use to sell your business? When is the Right Time to Sell My Business? #freedomfactory #sellyourbusiness #businessbrokers Robert Hirsch - Additional information on managing partner Tyler Tysdal

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Friday, March 20, 2020

Robert Hirsch discusses The Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value. Listen to the podcast or watch the vide...

Robert Hirsch discusses The Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value. Listen to the podcast or watch the vide...:
Robert Hirsch discusses The Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value. Listen to the podcast or watch the video here…/business-brokers/…/389990100



Robert Hirsch discusses The Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value. Listen to the podcast or watch the video here #business #entrepreneurs #sellyourbusiness

Robert Hirsch discusses The Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value. Listen to the podcast or watch the video here #business #entrepreneurs #sellyourbusiness



What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value

What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value:

How do you sell your business  for maximum value? Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value".

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

What Are the Types of Business Buyers?

Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don’t Close

Transcript of Podcast

What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value?

Hi, it’s Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. And I wanted to talk to you about a really important subject. And these are really the secrets of selling a business for maximum value. And so, at Freedom Factory, we do a lot of the work for you in terms of what it takes to be able to sell your business.

And we have a great partnership, and I’ll get into that in a little bit, but more than anything else what we do is help you craft your best story, and when you’re crafting a story, it needs to make sense to buyers. It needs to make sense on why you’re selling, why you started it, why the business has grown.

What are your sustainable competitive advantages or your key differentiators in the marketplace? Some people call that unique selling proposition, but we need to create a story that answers more questions than it creates. When you create stories buyers hit the brakes and it slows down. As we’ve talked about a lot, time kills all deals. So it’s really working with the right broker that’s going to help you craft that story. Also, when you’re selling your business, be super authentic and true to who you are. We’re in my backyard now in the mountains of Colorado, and it is a gorgeous, yet slightly chilly all day. I was up here and we’re thinking about it. I’m answering these emails and I’m like, . Why don’t I just go outside and shoot a video and I’m not in the office. I put on a sport coat because it was cold. But I get to authentically be myself. And when you’re authentically yourself, people can feel it and hopefully you feel that now.

Robert Hirsch business broker from Freedom FactoryAnd when you’re selling your business, we want to make sure your buyers feel that. That’s unbelievably important. And so I often talk about when you pick a broker, it’s a partnership. You need to make sure the business is going. The number one reason that deals fall apart is because something changes. Your sales drop off a cliff. You don’t hit your projections, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

You want to make sure that every time you give a buyer a set of projections, you need to have an already hit. I speak virtually, but you want to make sure that you’re going to hit it otherwise, just be a little less optimistic. But we want to create a track record of success with our buyers where we systematically exceed their expectations. I’ve had sellers tell me at the end, they say, Robert, this is my best sales month ever. Do I really want to sell it? And I’m like, Huey, this is exactly the time to sell it. You’re on a high, you’re on the home stretch, you’re selling it for maximum value. And this is just making the buyer feel more comfortable with their decision.

And not only are you getting paid once, but you’re getting paid once, plus your multiple, right?

So if you sell it once, you get the money from that. If you sell it on a four times multiple, you’re actually making five times that. It’s great. These are the best problems to have. When you have a business broker, you want to make sure that you find the best one that’s going to be able to drive the most value. We’ve taken businesses and been able to reposition them. We’ve been able to recast their financials. We’ve been able to literally over triple the selling price of the business to what they expected coming in from their EBIDTA.

This is really different than a realtor or a broker for real estate. Ultimately when you’re selling real estate, you’re limited by the appraisal value. So even if you have the greatest broker in the world, it’s not going to make that much of a difference compared to at an average broker, maybe five or 10% but when you’re talking about doubling or tripling your price, you need to take all the information that’s available to you. Put it together. Find the right partner, and then go to market together.

The broker, he or she is going to be selling your business. And that’s all we do here at Freedom Factory. You the entrepreneur, are going to be running your business and making sure that we stick the landing to drive it through to a successful completion. If you have questions on this or anything like it, why don’t you give us a call here at Freedom Factory? We’d love to talk to you about it. I’m Robert Hirsch. Thank you so much for spending your valuable time with us and we’ll talk to you soon.

Please like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Best Business Brokers- video portfolio

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Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

More information about Tyler Tysdal



What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value?

What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value?:

How do you sell your business for maximum value? For someone selling a business, your goal is to sell it at a maximum price possible. Unfortunately, not all businessman who sells their business sells it for the highest price because many factors can make or break the deal. There are secrets to maximizing your company’s value when selling, and that’s what you’ll learn in this video. Visit Freedom Factory’s official website here: Download the podcast here Contact: Freedom Factory Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258) 5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Also, Follow Freedom Factory here Additional Videos to learn how to sell your business. How to Prepare to sell my business What is the single biggest mistake entrepreneurs make when selling their business? What contract structure should you use to sell your business? When is the Right Time to Sell My Business? #freedomfactory #sellyourbusiness #businessbrokers Robert Hirsch - Additional information on managing partner Tyler Tysdal

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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How can you leverage other people's money for buying a business? Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses frequently...

How can you leverage other people's money for buying a business? Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses frequently...:
How can you leverage other people’s money for buying a business? Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses frequently asked questions by business owners, and people who want to start a business.



How can you leverage other people's money for buying a business? Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses frequently asked questions by business owners, and people who want to start a business. #business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness

How can you leverage other people's money for buying a business? Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses frequently asked questions by business owners, and people who want to start a business. #business #entrepreneurship #startbusiness



How do I Leverage Other Peoples' Money for Buying a Business?

How do I Leverage Other Peoples' Money for Buying a Business?:

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses ‘How To Leverage On Other Peoples’ Money for Buying a Business’.

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

Can I Sell My Business By Myself or do I Need Help?

Time to Find Freedom and Buy Your Own Business

Transcript of Podcast

Hey everybody, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here, and I want to answer a question that we get a lot, which is, how do I pay for a business. Now after doing this almost exclusively for 20 years, all you do is see these deals go through. And what looks normal to me is really different to a lot of my fellow entrepreneurs.

And so I was with a group of entrepreneurs speaking to them last night. And what they told me is they said, Robert, I don’t have 2 million sitting around to buy a business, you know, maybe a private equity guys or venture capital guys, or more successful entrepreneurs. But that’s not me. And I thought about it and I gave a little bit of a chuckle and I realized that they’re probably not the only entrepreneurs that think this. And so I wanted to talk about different ways to pay for a business. So there’s a couple ones that are pretty interesting. You can do it either through equity or through debt. Right?

Robert Hirsch business broker from Freedom FactorySo let’s start with equity. So equity, you can put together an investor round to acquire a company. You can secure it by the business. For me, I do better with just a few investors, not a lot of little ones - the friends and family. And that can be nice for smaller things.
But for me, I like one or two sophisticated investors if I’m going to raise an equity round. But the reality is, I think for most businesses this size, I liked debt for in 90% of applications, and we can talk about what the difference looks like in a little bit.

So there are different types of debt. My favorite kind of debt when I’m buying a business is seller financing. So if the seller is selling a great business, and you’ve probably seen some videos of mine talking about the difference between you’d rather buy a great business at a good price and a good business at a great price. So if you’re selling a great business and the seller is confident in their business, they’ll be happy to take a note on it.

Sometimes it’s as little as 10 or 20% when you’re trying to bridge the gap. Sometimes it’s as much as 90%. I’ve seen 90% solid carry just secured by the business, and if you’re not successful, the business goes right back to them and they like their business. So they’re happy to do that.

There’s also bankers, but it’s so funny, the old Axiom about bankers wanting to lend you money, when you don’t need it, and don’t lend you money when you need it. In my experience, that’s been true. If you’ve got a successful business, the lending of money on it, but they’re going to want you to collateralize it with your other business in most circumstances.
So bankers are there, and if you’ve got a great banking relationship, maybe it works out well. But what I’ve seen work out the best is small business loans or SBA loans, small business administration loans. And you can do it as with as little as 10% down. So if you’re buying, let’s say you’re buying a business three X and it’s 2 million, that means it throws 666,000 a year in free cash flow.

And if you can buy that for $200,000 you look at stock valuations and things along those lines, but when you’re buying a business at three X and you’re putting 10% down, as an entrepreneur, I can’t think of a better deal than that. An SBA loans had their own restrictions. You have to put a personal guarantee on it. I think they cap it at $5 million currently. We can talk you through all the complexities of what that looks like, but SBA loans are great. And then, the big thing in terms of the plan that you put together is talk about your stupid human trick or the one thing you do better than anybody else.

I’ve talked about it many times in the past and I’m pretty good at sales and marketing. That’s all I do. All I do is sell businesses. And if I look at a business that has a superior quality product but a sales problem, well that’s a great fit for me because I can fix it like that. Or maybe you’re a software engineer from MIT and you can build great software programs and you’ve got this business is on fire, but your software program is held together with duct tape and bubblegum. Well, you can come in and solve that problem right away. So when I buy a business, I try and be strategic about buying a business that fits my skillset.

And remember, when you’re buying a business, you don’t have to have $2 million to write a big check. And sometimes ironically, buying a business is cheaper than building it yourself. If you’re buying 666,000 and free cash flow for 200,000 I would have a hard time building it for that. So I hope this stimulated your creativity.

If you have any questions about that, why don’t you give us a call up, freedom factory or anything else and we’ll be happy to walk you through it. I’m Robert Hirsch. Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe and we’ll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also, Follow Freedom Factory here 

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Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

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Monday, March 16, 2020

Freedom Factory |

Freedom Factory |

Tyler Tysdal Lone Tree - SEC Press


Tyler Tysdal Managing Parter Freedom Factory


Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Key Difference Between Owning a Business a...

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Key Difference Between Owning a Business a...:
Today’s episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses “Key Difference Between Owning a Business and Owning a Job”. Do you own a job or a business? Many entrepreneurs don’t recognize the difference between the two. If you are a businessman, it is essential to know how your company performs if you’re physically there and if you’re not. Listen to the podcast or watch the video here…/business-brokers/…/389990100



Robert Hirsch discusses Key Difference Between Owning a Business and Owning a Job. Watch the video, listen to the podcast #business #jobs

Robert Hirsch discusses Key Difference Between Owning a Business and Owning a Job. Watch the video, listen to the podcast #business #jobs



Freedom Factory |

Freedom Factory |

Tyler T Tysdal Lone Tree - Settlement Press


Key Difference Between Owning a Business and Owning a Job

Key Difference Between Owning a Business and Owning a Job:

Do you own a job or a business? Many entrepreneurs don’t recognize the difference between the two. If you are a businessman, it is essential to know how your company performs if you’re physically there and if you’re not.

That way, you can find out if your business continues to profit or not. There’s a litmus test to find out if what you have right now is really a business or just a job. 

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

Strategies for Getting Your Company Ready to Sell

How are Brokers Different from Investment Bankers?

Transcript of Podcast

Hi, Robert Hirsch here from Freedom Factory, and one of the most frequent questions we get is, can I sell my business? And the answer is always yes. It just depends on what’s the price. And if you own a job, it’s very difficult to sell. And the multiple is usually one or less. And if you don’t know whether you own a job or you own a business, there’s a really easy litmus test to find out.
Just don’t show up for a few weeks. If your income stays the same or goes up, you’re on a business. If it goes down, you own a job.

Robert Hirsch business broker from Freedom FactoryThe good news is there’s a lot of value to be created by taking people that own jobs and transition to them, to people that own businesses. And what I mean by someone that owns a business or a business that holds its shape, if you will, when you’re not there, when you’re not the primary entrepreneur, you have systems and processes and employees and team that makes sure that you generate as much value as you can. So let’s jump into that. Let’s jump into what that looks like. So again, if you’re not sure if you own a business or you own a job, just don’t show up for a couple of weeks. If your income stays the same or goes up, you own a business. If it’s lower, you own a job.

The good news. If you own a job, you can transition it to a business pretty easily. What you want to do is build your operations manual, your systems, your processes, and your team to get yourself out of the traditional workflow. So you’re working on your business and not in it. If you need any help with processes like this, just give us a call at Freedom Factory. Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe and we’ll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also, Follow Freedom Factory here 

Freedom Factory - Best Business Brokers - video portfolio

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Freedom Factory Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

Tyler Tysdal



Tyler Tysdal has been Helping Entrepreneurs Sell their Business for Maximum Value

Tyler Tysdal has been Helping Entrepreneurs Sell their Business for Maximum Value:

Tyler Tysdal Lone Tree - Lone Tree News


Tyler Tysdal has been Helping Entrepreneurs Sell their Business for Maximum Value

Tyler Tysdal has been Helping Entrepreneurs Sell their Business for Maximum Value:

Tyler T Tysdal Platte Management - Settlement Reports


How Much Is My Business Worth? Business Valuation

Selling A Small Business In 71 Days

Overall, the process of successfully marketing a firm is various for each business proprietor. Industries might experience ups and downs Tyler Tysdal Freedom Factory, business models may do well as well as wane. Inevitably, the selling methods that benefited me might not for another business-- specifically depending on the kind of firm as well as the present market.

Track revenues and also losses, and maintain arranged booksTrain employees to work successfully without youUnderstand when may be an excellent time to sellLearn how to work out wellLearn how to say farewell to your companyAnd those elements will certainly be the trick to discovering the best customer that can take your brand to an even higher degree of success.

With the current higher financial fad as well as reduced passion prices, several little services are begun to attract passion from potential customers. As a matter of fact, BizBuySell Understanding Record located that 10,312 in 2018-- which was a document number for the 3rd straight year. is one of the best means for business to enter a new market or raise their market share.

Timing is just one of the most crucial variables to make the most of the return of any type of investment. Bitcoin trading shows this point flawlessly. Bitcoin hit its document high of $19,783.21 on December 17, 2017, as well as is currently trading under $4,000. People that didn't profit from the peak are left desiring they had.

How Do I Sell My company Quickly

Current financial fads have made it a beneficial time for most organisations to sell-- so currently goes to least an excellent time to consider it. If you still love your work and also feel satisfied daily, there isn't a reason to step far from your business. Usually, company owner should look to sell due to the fact that they want to make a lifestyle or specialist adjustment.

promoting A Small company: A Step-by-step GuideSell My Business - 8 errors To Avoid When Selling (In 2020)
7 errors To Avoid When promoting Your Small Businesspromoting A Small company In 33 Days
There's a caution to not offering throughout a midtown-- the recession must be short-lived. If you prepare for growth in the future, hold for the rebound. Not all customers are created equivalent. If you care concerning the lasting success of your business after the sale, you ought to do your due diligence for any type of prospective buyer.

how You Can Sell My Business For Maximum worthWhere Can I Sell My company
While you should not review the sale to your employees until it's completed, you will certainly require to have a plan for communicating the sale when it's time. Throughout the customer's due diligence phase, you ought to anticipate a great deal of difficult inquiries about your business. From macro-level concerns about your market as well as firm culture to micro-level concerns about depreciating properties and also long-lasting debt, there's no blueprint to what inquiries a potential buyer may ask.

Entrepreneur, specifically ones that have actually owned the firm for several years, commonly battle to change to life after the sale. Be ready to address sincere inquiries to on your own and also don't be scared of self-questioning. sell my business. Among the greatest blunders business proprietors make when selling their business is that they miscalculate or undervalue their business.

How To Sell Your Small Business

Ways To Cash Out Of Your BusinessHow Do I Sell My company rapidly
A business assessment usually begins by evaluating the worth of your company's existing and also long-lasting properties, earnings statements and also receivables, short-term and long-term liabilities, and various other metrics that show the economic wellness of your business. The accountant will certainly then look at market indicators to figure out the long-term feasibility of your firm as well as industry, in addition to what comparable firms have cost just recently.

methods To money Out of One's BusinessHow To Sell My company For Maximum worth
Determining the value of your business is vital, but more so is your capability to protect that rate throughout arrangements with the prospective customer. Preserving tidy and precise economic documents enhance the legitimacy of your business's valuation - Robert Hirsch. These same monetary records are also the structure of your defense to prospective purchasers aiming to cheapen your business.

While prospective customers can discredit points like market share and a good reputation, they can't argue with your monetary numbers-- which makes your recordkeeping so vital. Your earnings declaration shows the gross income, operating costs (OPEX), cost of products sold (GEARS), and profits and also losses of your business. Potential customers will make use of the revenue declaration to determine how rewarding your business is, as well as they'll make use of a sector multiplier to identify their very own evaluation.

Potential customers will certainly analyze your operating, investing, and funding capital and will consider exactly how your business manages working resources month over month. The balance sheet shows potential purchasers a review of your business's possessions like equipment, land, supply and balance dues. It also shows your responsibilities like financial obligations, financings or other payables.

12 Mistakes To Avoid When promoting Your Small Business

Prospective purchasers will intend to see three years of income tax return to confirm the numbers in your other monetary records. Furthermore, they wish to ensure that they are getting a business that remains in excellent standing with the Internal Revenue Service. The SDE (proprietor's money flow statement) is a business valuation approach that reworks the earnings statement to reveal the full earning potential of your business.

Running an effective small company is a challenging yet fulfilling journey. Making a decision to finish that trip by marketing your business can be a tough choice. The procedure of offering a business is stressful and difficult, yet when it's all stated and done, you'll be richer-- figuratively as well as actually.

You have actually been building your business that you've placed a great deal of time, initiative, and also sweat equity into growing, as well as now you're looking to sell - broker to sell my business. Your objective is to obtain maximum value, as well as you're evaluating actions to get ready for the sale. There are a plethora of variables to think about and also in this article, we'll cover them all to aid you optimize the rate you get when offering your business.

Nonetheless, there are some usual inquiries to take into consideration, consisting of: What are the sales? What is the earnings? What are the growth patterns? What is driving brand-new sales as well as is that sustainable? What channels do new consumers come from and also what is the malfunction of each network? What is your market placement? How dependent is the business on the owner? What systems and also processes remain in place to run business? Component of the appraisal procedure is considering historical sales of comparable businesses as well as comparing your business to those. Tyler Tysdal.

How Do I Sell My Online company? A How-to Guide

The multiple of earnings method determines what the net earnings of a company was for the last twelve month and after that multiples that by a number in between 1-4. Smaller firms sell in the 1-2X several array, medium in the 2-3X numerous range and big in the 3-4X multiple array. For instance you have a transport business in Dallas Texas that makes $500,000 earnings each year for the owner.

The amount a customer is willing to pay for your business will all come down to 2 points, return-on-investment (ROI) as well as family member danger. The lower the threat, the greater the rate and vice-versa. With that said being said, what truly makes your business worth even more is mitigating the danger of business failing in the future by having the following qualities related to your business: Predictable vital chauffeurs of new sales Steady or growing consumers from diversified resources Established distributors of supply with back-up vendors in position High portion of repeat sales Clean legal background Brand name without any trademark, copyright or lawful issues Documented systems as well as processes Development potential There is never the 'best time' to sell your business.

Nevertheless for the extent of this article the ideal time to sell your business is when there has been sustainable growth. Development is tracked in annual increments. Allow's take the copying: Year 1 Earnings - $280,000 Year 2 Profit - $465,000 Year 3 Profit - $780,000 Year 4 Earnings - $690,000 In the above example, the ideal time to sell would certainly have been late in year 3.

Which Contract Type Is Best to Sell My Business

Contact Freedom Factory for info regarding

Sale of Business ContractThis can significantly influence the deals you get. Commons factors we find proprietors selling their business:-- Don't all of us intend to be drinking Pina Coladas?-- One more local business owner desires to work on something else-- You have actually expanded the business to the dimension your ability enables-- You are overworked-- You have another financial investment that you desire to take benefit of-- Occasionally life situations turn up as well as you need some cash The selling process of exactly how to sell a business is relatively simple however can be much more intricate and take even more time relying on the size of business.

methods To money Out of One's company

Usually however, bigger offers (over $1 million) will certainly take longer to sell than smaller sized deals (under $200k) due to the complexity of the business and additionally the threat that a purchaser is taking. Industry reports say the typical time to sell a business is 10 months. They are a great deal of potential customers on the marketplace for organisations (sell my small business).

They typically are a high paid worker or C-level exec with non reusable cash, Individual Retirement Account, cost savings or access to an SBA financing.-- People that have remained in the market for a while and have a mutual understanding regarding what it takes to run a business. They are either fresh off the sale of their last business or seeking to add a business to their profile - broker to sell my business.

Usually, exclusive equity firms acquisition larger businesses. Material discussed is meant for general image and/or informational functions just and also it is not to be construed as tax, lawful, or investment advice. Although the details has been gathered from resources believed to be dependable, please note that individual situations can differ for that reason, the info needs to be relied upon when collaborated with specific expert recommendations.

I placed my business on BizBuySell and had 7 appointments the first week and participated in agreement by week three. I had remarkable results from the website as well as it conserved me thousands. Daniel & Jenny RamirezChino, CA I detailed my business with BizBuySell and also I had the ability to get $45,000 even more than recommended.

How Much Is My Business Worth? Business Valuation

Selling A Small Business In 71 Days

Overall, the process of successfully marketing a firm is various for each business proprietor. Industries might experience ups and downs Tyler Tysdal Freedom Factory, business models may do well as well as wane. Inevitably, the selling methods that benefited me might not for another business-- specifically depending on the kind of firm as well as the present market.

Track revenues and also losses, and maintain arranged booksTrain employees to work successfully without youUnderstand when may be an excellent time to sellLearn how to work out wellLearn how to say farewell to your companyAnd those elements will certainly be the trick to discovering the best customer that can take your brand to an even higher degree of success.

With the current higher financial fad as well as reduced passion prices, several little services are begun to attract passion from potential customers. As a matter of fact, BizBuySell Understanding Record located that 10,312 in 2018-- which was a document number for the 3rd straight year. is one of the best means for business to enter a new market or raise their market share.

Timing is just one of the most crucial variables to make the most of the return of any type of investment. Bitcoin trading shows this point flawlessly. Bitcoin hit its document high of $19,783.21 on December 17, 2017, as well as is currently trading under $4,000. People that didn't profit from the peak are left desiring they had.

How Do I Sell My company Quickly

Current financial fads have made it a beneficial time for most organisations to sell-- so currently goes to least an excellent time to consider it. If you still love your work and also feel satisfied daily, there isn't a reason to step far from your business. Usually, company owner should look to sell due to the fact that they want to make a lifestyle or specialist adjustment.

promoting A Small company: A Step-by-step GuideSell My Business - 8 errors To Avoid When Selling (In 2020)
7 errors To Avoid When promoting Your Small Businesspromoting A Small company In 33 Days
There's a caution to not offering throughout a midtown-- the recession must be short-lived. If you prepare for growth in the future, hold for the rebound. Not all customers are created equivalent. If you care concerning the lasting success of your business after the sale, you ought to do your due diligence for any type of prospective buyer.

how You Can Sell My Business For Maximum worthWhere Can I Sell My company
While you should not review the sale to your employees until it's completed, you will certainly require to have a plan for communicating the sale when it's time. Throughout the customer's due diligence phase, you ought to anticipate a great deal of difficult inquiries about your business. From macro-level concerns about your market as well as firm culture to micro-level concerns about depreciating properties and also long-lasting debt, there's no blueprint to what inquiries a potential buyer may ask.

Entrepreneur, specifically ones that have actually owned the firm for several years, commonly battle to change to life after the sale. Be ready to address sincere inquiries to on your own and also don't be scared of self-questioning. sell my business. Among the greatest blunders business proprietors make when selling their business is that they miscalculate or undervalue their business.

How To Sell Your Small Business

Ways To Cash Out Of Your BusinessHow Do I Sell My company rapidly
A business assessment usually begins by evaluating the worth of your company's existing and also long-lasting properties, earnings statements and also receivables, short-term and long-term liabilities, and various other metrics that show the economic wellness of your business. The accountant will certainly then look at market indicators to figure out the long-term feasibility of your firm as well as industry, in addition to what comparable firms have cost just recently.

methods To money Out of One's BusinessHow To Sell My company For Maximum worth
Determining the value of your business is vital, but more so is your capability to protect that rate throughout arrangements with the prospective customer. Preserving tidy and precise economic documents enhance the legitimacy of your business's valuation - Robert Hirsch. These same monetary records are also the structure of your defense to prospective purchasers aiming to cheapen your business.

While prospective customers can discredit points like market share and a good reputation, they can't argue with your monetary numbers-- which makes your recordkeeping so vital. Your earnings declaration shows the gross income, operating costs (OPEX), cost of products sold (GEARS), and profits and also losses of your business. Potential customers will make use of the revenue declaration to determine how rewarding your business is, as well as they'll make use of a sector multiplier to identify their very own evaluation.

Potential customers will certainly analyze your operating, investing, and funding capital and will consider exactly how your business manages working resources month over month. The balance sheet shows potential purchasers a review of your business's possessions like equipment, land, supply and balance dues. It also shows your responsibilities like financial obligations, financings or other payables.

12 Mistakes To Avoid When promoting Your Small Business

Prospective purchasers will intend to see three years of income tax return to confirm the numbers in your other monetary records. Furthermore, they wish to ensure that they are getting a business that remains in excellent standing with the Internal Revenue Service. The SDE (proprietor's money flow statement) is a business valuation approach that reworks the earnings statement to reveal the full earning potential of your business.

Running an effective small company is a challenging yet fulfilling journey. Making a decision to finish that trip by marketing your business can be a tough choice. The procedure of offering a business is stressful and difficult, yet when it's all stated and done, you'll be richer-- figuratively as well as actually.

You have actually been building your business that you've placed a great deal of time, initiative, and also sweat equity into growing, as well as now you're looking to sell - broker to sell my business. Your objective is to obtain maximum value, as well as you're evaluating actions to get ready for the sale. There are a plethora of variables to think about and also in this article, we'll cover them all to aid you optimize the rate you get when offering your business.

Nonetheless, there are some usual inquiries to take into consideration, consisting of: What are the sales? What is the earnings? What are the growth patterns? What is driving brand-new sales as well as is that sustainable? What channels do new consumers come from and also what is the malfunction of each network? What is your market placement? How dependent is the business on the owner? What systems and also processes remain in place to run business? Component of the appraisal procedure is considering historical sales of comparable businesses as well as comparing your business to those. Tyler Tysdal.

How Do I Sell My Online company? A How-to Guide

The multiple of earnings method determines what the net earnings of a company was for the last twelve month and after that multiples that by a number in between 1-4. Smaller firms sell in the 1-2X several array, medium in the 2-3X numerous range and big in the 3-4X multiple array. For instance you have a transport business in Dallas Texas that makes $500,000 earnings each year for the owner.

The amount a customer is willing to pay for your business will all come down to 2 points, return-on-investment (ROI) as well as family member danger. The lower the threat, the greater the rate and vice-versa. With that said being said, what truly makes your business worth even more is mitigating the danger of business failing in the future by having the following qualities related to your business: Predictable vital chauffeurs of new sales Steady or growing consumers from diversified resources Established distributors of supply with back-up vendors in position High portion of repeat sales Clean legal background Brand name without any trademark, copyright or lawful issues Documented systems as well as processes Development potential There is never the 'best time' to sell your business.

Nevertheless for the extent of this article the ideal time to sell your business is when there has been sustainable growth. Development is tracked in annual increments. Allow's take the copying: Year 1 Earnings - $280,000 Year 2 Profit - $465,000 Year 3 Profit - $780,000 Year 4 Earnings - $690,000 In the above example, the ideal time to sell would certainly have been late in year 3.

Which Contract Type Is Best to Sell My Business

Contact Freedom Factory for info regarding

Sale of Business ContractThis can significantly influence the deals you get. Commons factors we find proprietors selling their business:-- Don't all of us intend to be drinking Pina Coladas?-- One more local business owner desires to work on something else-- You have actually expanded the business to the dimension your ability enables-- You are overworked-- You have another financial investment that you desire to take benefit of-- Occasionally life situations turn up as well as you need some cash The selling process of exactly how to sell a business is relatively simple however can be much more intricate and take even more time relying on the size of business.

methods To money Out of One's company

Usually however, bigger offers (over $1 million) will certainly take longer to sell than smaller sized deals (under $200k) due to the complexity of the business and additionally the threat that a purchaser is taking. Industry reports say the typical time to sell a business is 10 months. They are a great deal of potential customers on the marketplace for organisations (sell my small business).

They typically are a high paid worker or C-level exec with non reusable cash, Individual Retirement Account, cost savings or access to an SBA financing.-- People that have remained in the market for a while and have a mutual understanding regarding what it takes to run a business. They are either fresh off the sale of their last business or seeking to add a business to their profile - broker to sell my business.

Usually, exclusive equity firms acquisition larger businesses. Material discussed is meant for general image and/or informational functions just and also it is not to be construed as tax, lawful, or investment advice. Although the details has been gathered from resources believed to be dependable, please note that individual situations can differ for that reason, the info needs to be relied upon when collaborated with specific expert recommendations.

I placed my business on BizBuySell and had 7 appointments the first week and participated in agreement by week three. I had remarkable results from the website as well as it conserved me thousands. Daniel & Jenny RamirezChino, CA I detailed my business with BizBuySell and also I had the ability to get $45,000 even more than recommended.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Tyler Tysdal | Country from Greenwood Village, CO

Tyler Tysdal | Country from Greenwood Village, CO:

Tyler Tivis Tysdal Managing Parter Freedom Factory


Tyler Tysdal – Understanding What Private Equity Is – Business News Line

Tyler Tysdal – Understanding What Private Equity Is – Business News Line:

Tyler T Tysdal Managing Parter Freedom Factory


"Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close". Listen to Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory or watch the video #selling #closing #brokers

"Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close". Listen to Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory or watch the video #selling #closing #brokers



"Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close". Listen to Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory in this podcast or wat...

"Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close". Listen to Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory in this podcast or wat...:
“Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don’t Close”. Listen to Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory in this podcast or watch the video here…/business-brokers/…/389990100



Seller Beware The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close

Seller Beware The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close:

Today’s episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory “Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don’t Close”

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

How Do I Sell My Business?

When is the Right Time to Sell My Business?

Transcript of Podcast

Robert Hirsch business broker from Freedom FactoryHi everybody. This is Robert from Freedom Factory and I want to talk to you about it a pretty serious topic today, and it’s the biggest reason that deals don’t close. Now, personally, my close rate on deals has been really strong over the last 10 or 15 years, but I see a lot of people, you know, the industry standard, they close less than 50% of deals.

So, it’s almost unbelievable when you think 50% of people that agree to pay a price for a business don’t actually buy it. And I want to jump into why that is, and more importantly, how can you can make sure that doesn’t happen to you. So first of all, when the biggest reason that I see that deals don’t close is usually when the numbers drop off a cliff.

And the reason that happens is because the entrepreneur is trying to do too much. So as running a business as an entrepreneur takes a lot of work, and when we sell a business, we’re partners for a short period of time. I talk a lot about our 147-day selling process and a lot of times it works in that time. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer, sometimes or even faster. But the number one thing when we’re selling your business is to let us do our job as you have to do your job and make sure the numbers are still going on the same trend line that they were. If you’re growing at 3% a month. The this time can be the absolute most important time for you to do it. Not only because you get paid the best. What that means, for example, let’s say, you’re selling your business on earnings and you’re getting a multiple of five times earnings. When you sell it, you’re actually getting paid six times on every sale you ever make, which means you’re getting paid once in the cash and five times you’re earning is when you sell it.

Now, if you were making six times your usual value when you sell a business, do you think you would sell harder? I sure would. And having the right broker and the right partner to be able to sell it for you, we’re going to handle the process. We’re going to handle the phone calls. We’re going to handle the Q and a, the diligence.

We’re going to prequalify your buyers. We’re going to take all that off of your plate. In fact, until the buyers had been prequalified, and we have an LOI on the table, we don’t even put them on the phone with you. We want to preserve your time as much as you can so you can run your business as profitably as we can, and we can do our job.

And again, what we do at Freedom Factory is make sure to build as much deal tension as we can. So that’s getting the most people introduced to the business, either through a combination of inbound or outbound and marketing materials going through a Q and A process and getting all the buyers to go to our process, meaning the sellers process.

We do Q and A here. We do prequalification here; we do LOI’s here. We start to go through and we get the funnel and we find the perfect buyer and the perfect fit for you. Bottom line is the partnership’s pretty simple - for the next year, you run your business, we focus on selling your business.
When you’re talking to a broker, you’re making the right decision. Try and find somebody that’s not just a sales guy or just sells businesses for a living. Find a career entrepreneur; someone that speaks entrepreneur, somebody that understands that. Just because you’ve built the business and got it to here doesn’t mean that you want to run it for the rest of your life.

Sometimes as entrepreneurs, I look at us as the producers or the builders or the contributors, and, and if I’m not on point and on passion in my business, you can feel it. And it’s not the same thing. And so if you’re an entrepreneur that has a business that you’re no longer passionate about, just because you took the train to Chicago, doesn’t mean you want to drag the train around with you once you get there. Give us a call and we’ll be able to help figure out the best way for you to transition to something you are passionate about so you can build massive, massive value.

One other truth is that time kills all deals. And every deal goes sideways. We have buyer’s remorse. People often talk about it’s the house as the biggest purchase you ever going to make. Well, that’s not true if you’re buying or selling a business. Often for me, buying and selling a business is the biggest purchase, or is the biggest purchase or sale that my clients are ever going to make.

And the more time you have, more likely the buyer is to have a little bit of buyer’s remorse. Or if one little thing goes wrong, maybe they latch onto that, we have a bad month or bad week, and they use that as an example of why the business isn’t as good as they thought they would. So at the best-case scenario, they’re going to try and buy it for a little less of a price, which isn’t going to feel good to you, the seller, or to me, the broker. And the worst-case scenario is they just back off and they go dark and they don’t want to do it and they pull it out of escrow, and then we have to begin the process all over again.

So again, when you, when you look at these types of things, what I’ve found in 20 years of doing this is every deal is going to go sideways at least once. And that’s where my experience comes into play. That’s where we can get it through. I’ve seen deals go sideways for every reason you can think of yet I still get surprised and see new deals go sideways all the time. We’ll get you through it. We’ll keep a smooth, steady hand. You keep running the business and keep the fundamentals going up and up and up, and we’re going to sell your business for more than anybody else in the marketplace.

Now, if you have any questions on selling your business, why deals go sideways or what the process looks like. Why don’t you give us a call at freedom factory? We’ll talk you through that and any other questions that you might have. Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe and we’ll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also, Follow Freedom Factory here 

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Robert Hirsch

Tyler Tysdal, Business Broker



Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close

Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close:

A seller’s goal is to close the deal the soonest time possible. Great deals are a win-win situation for both the buyer and the seller. However, selling a business is not always a smooth sailing process. There are factors that cause the deal not to push through. As a seller, it is a must to know what these reasons are and avoid them as much as possible. It only takes a single mistake to break the entire deal. Contact: Freedom Factory Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258) 5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Also, Follow Freedom Factory here Additional information on managing partner Tyler Tysdal Additional Videos to learn how to sell your business. How to Prepare to sell my business When is the Right Time to Sell My Business? #freedomfactory #sellyourbusiness #businessbrokers Robert Hirsch - Additional information on managing partner Tyler Tysdal

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about whether you should 'Grow a Business or Buy a Business'. Watch the video, ...

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about whether you should 'Grow a Business or Buy a Business'. Watch the video, ...:
Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about whether you should ‘Grow a Business or Buy a Business’. Watch the video, listen to the podcast, or read the transcript.



Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about whether you should 'Grow a Business or Buy a Business'. Watch the video, listen to the podcast, or read the transcript. #entrepreneurship #sellyourbusiness #growth

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about whether you should 'Grow a Business or Buy a Business'. Watch the video, listen to the podcast, or read the transcript. #entrepreneurship #sellyourbusiness #growth



Grow a Business or Buy a Business

Grow a Business or Buy a Business:

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about whether you should ‘Grow a Business or Buy a Business’. 

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

What is Entrepreneurial Freedom?

What is Your Stupid Human Trick?

Transcript of Podcast

Robert Hirsch business broker from Freedom Factory
Hi Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about something that’s pretty important for an entrepreneur. And frankly, I don’t think most entrepreneurs consider, which is when they want to grow their company, do you want to build it or do you want to buy it or growth by acquisition.

Now, historically, a lot of entrepreneurs haven’t really considered it, and the reason for that is that buying and selling small businesses has been a pretty inefficient asset class. It’s hard to find the right one. It’s hard to find a real one. It’s hard to know what business you’re in. Not a lot of brokers really disclose a lot of meaningful information and unless you’re applying EBITDA of 5 million or more, you don’t necessarily view it that way.

But I’m here to tell you that that’s not necessarily the case anymore. Money is made on the buy and you want to, you want to find something at a fair valuation. Warren buffet said it, I think best. He said, I’d rather have a great business at a good price than a good business at a great price.

I think what he means by that is an exceptional business with this sustainable competitive advantage will always be worth more than an average business. Again, when you’re looking at it, you’re trying to think, okay, how do I find a great business at a fair price? So at Freedom Factory, we really specialize in selling great businesses. If you can find a great business at a good price, it can make a ton of sense. There’s two other points of leverage that you might want to consider. One is if you have a complementary product set or a complimentary customer set. And what I mean by that, let’s say you sell phones and you’re looking at buying the headset company, or buying headsets to would plug right into your phones. Your existing customers would be interested in it. And if you could get a 10 20% take rate on that, you might be able to pay for your business in less than a year if you bought it at three, four or five times earnings.

The other thing which I talk about more in other videos is what I like to call your stupid human trick. Or really, that’s the one thing that you do better than anyone else. And everyone’s heard of the 80 20 principle, right? 20% of your work delivers 80% of your results. Well, when you get to an expert level at something, in my experience, it’s really turned into 95 -five. So 5% of my work delivers 95% of my results.

Now, that can really multiply your efficiency and efficacy in your business. And what I mean by that is if I could do that 5% 20 times, I could deliver 20 times the business results that I could otherwise. So let’s land the plane and talk about exactly what I’m saying. So let’s say, for example, for me, my background is in sales and direct response marketing.

So if I can find an engineering company with a superior quality product that’s extraordinary, that has a sales problem, I can probably dramatically shift the line by focusing on fixing the sales and marketing problem, which comes really naturally to me, and allows me to make huge differences in your company.
So for example, we’ve had clients that have bought companies at four times earnings, and they’ve paid for itself in less than nine months because you use that stupid human trick to really dramatically shift the line on your business. Going back to build versus buy. I know it’s been an inefficient market class, but you don’t always have to build organically.

Money’s made on the buy. Look for great, great businesses. See if you can find businesses that are complimentary to yours. Maybe it’s a luggage company and you have a travel site. See if you can plug it into your existing customer set, or you can plug your products into their customer set.

And finally, as entrepreneurs, we all do a lot of great work on figuring out our stupid human trick. And there are a lot of tools for that - Kolby, Meyers Briggs, figuring out your profile and what that looks like. A lot of people like the enneagram model, but whatever you can do to sharpen and hone that edge of figuring out what you’re best at and making sure that you can leverage that in a business, can provide dramatic results and make buying a business really makes sense. If you have any questions on a great business for you or under stupid human trick, why don’t you give us a call it freedom factory? Thank you so much for watching.

Please like and subscribe and we’ll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also, Follow Freedom Factory here 

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